
Mini Excavator

Compact excavators are powerful digging machines. Under the Ontario Construction Regulations (231/91) operators of Mini Excavators must be "competent" in the operation of that equipment. In order to do that, our program takes students through a theory session using a PowerPoint presentation along with hands-on training followed by a written exam. Upon successful completion each student will be given a wallet card indicating that they have sucessfully completed the course.  Course Content
  • Review of the regulations
  • Equipment design
  • Worksite hazards
  • Inspections
  • Familiarization training
  • Attachments
  • Safe & efficient operation
  • Refuelling
  • Emergency procedures.Details
Intended For: Any employees or persons required to use a mini excavator.
Valid for: We recommend retraining after 3 years
Offered: In-class and on-site (Max. class size is 10)

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In Class Day Date Time Location Price Register
In ClassThursOct 24 20241:00pm1350 Creditstone Rd. Concord$220 REGISTER
In ClassThursNov 21 20241:00pm1350 Creditstone Rd. Concord$220 REGISTER
In ClassThursDec 19 20241:00pm1350 Creditstone Rd. Concord$220 REGISTER